knocking on 30s door….

This is one blog post I have to check off of my list….As I listen to Disney tunes (in this case… I currently type to “Be Our Guest” from Beauty and the Beast…the original of course.).. I’ve had this post on a list on my PC for the last few days via my sticky posts and at last I am completing it at last…. At the moment I am currently typing via my new GAMING PC… of course that whole announcement for this is for another post.

Let’s just say that my topic is based on my age. As the song changes on Deezer (because I can’t remember my Spotify log in and I feel jazzy) I feel my hips sway and I “feel like a cat” and mouth “oh a rinky, tinky, tinky”… I’m not making sense. Let’s just say that as each song changes my mood adapts to it. “A Whole New World”….my mood adapts to a optimistic crazy person. Time to change the genre….. Billie Eilish helps for a momentary minute. Your beats helps me beat in a good flow. “Duh”….

Time for some Swifty and your album that adapts to the year I was born….1989. Ok time to get back on track. In (now) 15 minutes I change into a different decade….I become 30. I’m not scared, I’m actually excited. Part of me is like “Hey everybody! I’m finally becoming what the the grown ups call an ‘Adult’ even though I’ve legally been one since I was 18!”…. I know I’m kind of far from being sensed as an adult but fuck it and everyone’s expectations. Tonight has been really lovely. Although my day at work was busy and crazy I had tonight to look forward to. Not many people know but my husband and I share our birthdays…..he’s two years older than me.

Tonight my parents took us out for dinner, I bought a round of drinks for us all afterwards and then we went to another place for drinks. Tomorrow, I see my ‘Head Doctor’ to see “How I’ve been doing”, next is brunch/lunch with the fam….empty afternoon, rehearsals in the evening and then drinks after. Then our day is over. I actually can’t wait until I am in the middle of my 30s (although part of me is utterly terrified about my mortality) and I have long flowing silver grey hair. All I can say is, I have no idea what the future holds but I feel like this new decade, this new year and everything inbetween is going to  be exciting, scary but also an utterly new ADVENTURE….and I CAN’T fucking wait. Also, enjoy my true face because this is me… I don’t know if I will ever give my name but here is my face.










but not end of my story.


The final song I’m listening to, that I suggest is this….if you want to actually feel something is this… mashup….

“With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come.”

– William Shakespeare